Group Digest: Week 50
mattm's picture
Posted on:
Tuesday, December 12, 2017 - 16:06

Here’s a summary of recent activity across ISDC groups, including those you might not be a member of.

New Group: Tactical

A tactical group has been added, which will be to anyone with an interest in combat strategy and tactics,  weapons systems and countermeasures.

Discussion Highlights

Discussions have been started across navigation, combat and bridge design recently:

Bridge Layout Concept

Vessel Development Group

MattM posted a design concept for the vessel’s main operations centre (bridge) including a floorplan for discussion.

Navigation Reference

Navigation Group

Chief_Sonya posted a link to overview information for navigation. This is among the first operational-level documentation for future crew and so is somewhat technical, but may still be of interest to anyone who curious about how to fly a starship.

Read Post

Combat Overview

Tactical Group

NeerajA posted a link to an article describing what combat will look like if hostilities can’t be avoided during the mission. Anyone familiar with Hollywood sci-fi might be surprised at how different things will be.

Group Hints

You don’t have to be a member of a group to read posts but you do need to join the group to make your own posts or leave comments. Most groups are open to all members, so join up to any group that interests you!

You’ll receive an email whenever there’s a new post, or you can check out your group activity on the front page of the crew site.



mattm's picture

In the mailout version I mis-used principal when I meant navigation principles. Apologies if you were expecting a post about important navigation people, rather than an article containing fundamental navigational propositions.