Updates to Cruise Mode
Chief_Sonya's picture
Posted on:
Monday, July 13, 2020 - 23:05

The helm has been updated with latest data from engine simulations, with some significant changes to vessel handling.

It turns out the helm was significantly under-reporting EM output from helm maneuvers in cruise mode. The changes mean that achieving the maximum bearing for a given speed will require100% thrust - and 100% EM output. So to reduce EM output during a helm maneuver in cruise mode, best to select a smaller bearing (for example a bearing that is 60% of the maximum available bearing will only require 60% thrust to achieve).

Something to watch out for... which makes it particularly helpful that a new gimbal limit table has been published.



mattm's picture

In drive mode, if the thrust required to achieve a bearing is more than drive thrust, then the additional thrust will be applied for the duration of the bearing.

So drive mode behaves pretty much the same way as cruise mode when it comes to heading changes.

This is much more realistic behaviour and I agree, it makes the gimbal limits very important to a quartermaster!