Scenario Map Guide

Above: Sample scenario mapScenario maps provide a visual guide to a scenario's storyline, based on the possible actions the primary participant could make at a given point in the scenario, followed by the possible responses of other participants. 

Actions taken by participants are represented on the map as events. The primary participants in a scenario are Endeavour's crew, with other participants managed by mission operations.

Events are mapped in the order they are likely to happen, creating different paths through the scenario depending on the actions taken by the primary participant, with the responses of other participants usually predetermined.

Scenario maps are not exhaustive and are for guidance only. One of the primary skills of a mission operations specialist is the ability to adapt when Endeavour's crew does something unexpected!

Map Layout

Maps are made up of symbols representing events linked by blue connecting lines, with an arrowhead indicating the direction of progression.

An event may have multiple connected responses - choose the applicable response event and follow the map from there.

Map Zones

A map may have different zones, indicated by a grey background.

Depending on the scenario zones may be used to indicate different things:

  • time elapsed
  • range (eg  between Endeavour and another participant or location)
  • different locations (eg a zone may be used to indicate a planet's surface when a landing party is operating there)

If applicable. different shades of grey represent how far into the scenario the zone can be expected. The lightest shade of grey is the earliest zone, the darkest shade is the latest zone.

Scenario Conditions

A scenario condition is a shorthand way to represent when a set of criteria has been met, for reference later in the scenario.

As soon as the condition's criteria is met, the condition is "set", which has two types of outcome, indicated by the condition symbol (see below).

Each condition is represented as a number.

Condition Query

Later in the scenario, a condition query may be used - if the condition has been set, the scenario progresses one way. If not, the scenario progresses the other way.

For example, a condition is defined as attempting communication (with another participant) before any scans are attempted. As soon as that criteria is met, the condition is "set".

Direct Progression

Alternatively, setting a condition may result in a direct progression (or "skipping") to another point in the scenario (indicated by a condition point symbol with a corresponding condition number - see below).

Map Symbols

Above: Symbols used in scenario mapsEvents and related processes are represented by a standard set of symbols.


Events are represented by circles, colour-coded by participant.

A brief description of the event is in the centre of the circle.

There are two event variants:

Initial Event: The very first event of the scenario is referred to as the initial event. This is represented by a square instead of a circle.

Terminal Event: An event which ends the simulation. This is represented by a circle with a thick black border.

Event Result Query

Above: Event result query example (torpedo fire)A diamond symbol (colour coded by participant) indicated an event may have a different outcome depending on certain criteria.

The applicable criteria is summarised in the middle of the symbol. The outcome is binary: either YES (green) or NO (red). A green connector indicates the correct progression if the outcome is YES. A red connector indicates the correct progression if the outcome is NO.

In the example, firing a torpedo will result in it either hitting the target or not. The criteria would be HIT. If the torpedo hits (YES) the green connector is followed and the other participant receives damage. If the torpedo misses, the red connector is followed and the other participant is able to return fire.


Specific symbols are used for scenario conditions.

Condition Set/Query

Condition Set: Represented by a smaller circle with a thick border and a large number inside. When an event or query result leads to this symbol, it means the condition with that number has been set.

Condition Query: Similar in appearance and behaviour to an event result query, but it has a condition symbol in the centre of the diamond. The query is whether the condition number has been set previously. If YES, progress along the green connector. If NO, proceed along the red connector.

Direct Progress

Condition Direct Progress: A variant of the condition set symbol with a large arrow. This symbol requires the scenario progress directly to the condition point (see below) with the corresponding number. This progression is direct - it skips any events which may be between the direct progress symbol and the condition point symbol.

Condition Point: A variant of the initial event symbol, this has a condition symbol in the middle of the square. This is the point on the map that should be progressed to from the direct progress symbol that has a corresponding number.