System Delivery Forecast

This forecast outline sthe relative priority for delivering vessel systems for active crew engagement, which includes training, simulated operations and pre-launch crew rating.

Vessel systems are considered to have been delivered when sufficient simulation work has been completed to accurately reflect system performance for training purposes and physical construction of the system is underway.

Both conditions must be met for delivery, so that even systems where construction has been completed might not be delivered if insufficient simulation data is available to enable training.

In addition, any pre-requisite systems must have been delivered to allow system integration simulation and training.


System delivery has been phased to ensure requirements for ship operations and survivability are delivered first so as to provide a robust platform for scientific and exploratory operations.

The number after the decimal point is the system's unique ID number and represents the relative priority of the system.

Phase 1  Tactical Operating Environment (TOE) 
This phase will allow basic hunt/kill simulations, providing system shakedown and training for impulse maneuvering and EMDAR operation.
Systems Functions​
1.1 Impulse Maneuvering
  • Control vessel speed (and braking)
  • Adjust bearing and vector
  • Update vessel position on TOE grid
  • Adjust vessel EM emissions based on vessel thrust
  • TOE Grid
  • Display TSMO EM emissions on waterfall displays
  • Adjust TSMO emissions for AO characteristics
  • Contacts board 
  • Narrowband tracking (successful track displays TSMO on TOE grid)
Phase 2 Basic warfare operations
This phase will extend TOE operations to include weapons management and defence of the ship
Systems Functions
2.3 Firing solution
  • Single standard guided ordnance
  • Manage relative velocities of launch vessel, ordnance and target
  • Configure search pattern and active sensor parameters
  • Calculate likely success of launch
2.4  Power Management
  • Interface for allocating power between major systems (MIE and torpedo launchers)
2.5 Weapons launch & guidance
  • Multiple ordnance types
  • Prosecution (hit/miss, location of hit on target)
2.6 Countermeasures
  • Basic decoy systems
  • In-close (phalanx) weapons systems
Phase 3 Operations & damage control
This phase introduces operations management (beyond basic power management) including damage management. It will require finalisation of naval architecture.
Systems Functions
3.7 Spaceframe
  • Translate weapons hit to system damage
  • Environmental management/damage control
3.8 PDN
  • Network mapping
  • Power routing
Phase 4 Advanced tactical operations
This phase introduces active sensor techniques - "scanning" - including managing multi-resolution visual delivery which will be later extended to cover more complex scientific scanning requirements
Systems Functions
4.8 Tactical scanning
  • Deliver visual data on size, configuration and emissions of TSMOs or small AO's mitigated for distance, scanning time and environmental factors
4.9 Electronic Warfare
  • Systems/techniques for disrupting enemy sensor, targeting and weapons delivery systems
Phase 5 Advanced helm operations
This phase will allow travel between systems and advanced maneuvering such as orbital operations, which are pre-requisites for planetary exploration.
Systems Functions
5.11 Superluminal navigation
  • Select and navigate to destination star system
5.12 RCS maneuvering
  • Establish and maintain orbit
  • Intragrid maneuvering/rendezvous
Phase 6 Scientific operations
Systems Functions
6.14 Planetary scanning
  • Orbital scanning and mapping of planets with varying resolution depending on scan concentration