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Keep an eye on Ion Sci-Fi

Ion Sci-Fi will be a weekly video stream of sci-fi entertainment and space science and technology news in parallel with regular blog posts throughout the week.

Blogposts will start first and video streams will commence soon.

We'll be looking at and discussing sci-fi through an Australian lens. That doesn’t mean there will be kangaroos and koalas everywhere, but when we report release dates and which network / service shows will be on, those will be Australian. When we can we'll provide the same info for our friends overseas.

mattm's picture

Encounter at P3M-F53T

One of the first simulation missions to be made available for the Academy simulator is the tactical Hunt/Kill scenario. It presents an encounter between opposing forces around a planet in a distant star system, with one ship protecting a discovery made on the planet, and the other attempting to steal its secrets.

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Encounter at P3M-F53T Part 2

Previously tactical officer Neeraj Anahira took us through the process of achieving an EMDAR track on an opponent vessel, known as a ‘hunt’. In this post he describes the ‘kill’ – preparing and firing a torpedo that hits its target (without putting his own vessel in danger).

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System Updates

There have been a few exciting updates to vessel systems recently and an initial look at some of the systems coming up on the delivery roadmap.

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What's this all about?

In this video we try and answer the one question we get asked most often: what's this all about?

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Encounter at P3M-F53T

Lieutenant Neeraj Anahira provides a blow-by-blow account of his experience commanding a hunt/kill mission.

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Remote Simulators

Remote simulators are now available, allowing crew to get valuable hands-on time with vessel systems without leaving home.

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Step Aboard Endeavour

Here’s a first look at what life might be like onboard Endeavour: Stage two of the ISDC’s simulation facility has been completed, adding more space and capability for new ship systems to the original realistic sim environment.

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Ready for Action

Crew training will be critical to mission success, but technical manuals and operating procedures aren’t enough. Simulating deep space operating conditions as closely as possible will allow the crew to go beyond basic technical knowledge and begin developing tactics and strategies.

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Getting Mission Ready

Even more important than the technology and resources behind Endeavour’s construction is the preparation of the crew who will carry out the ISDC's deep space mission.

Every successful space program has recognised the training and preparedness of its crews as critical to the success of the mission. This has typically been achieved by beginning training and simulation programs well in advance of completion of construction and the ISDC is doing the same.


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