EM Theory

Tactically signficant objects (TSMOs) such as ships generate EM emissions from various key systems, in particular their engines. This EM wake is used to detect TSMOs at considerable distances.

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Hunt or Be Hunted

Maintaining awareness of what’s happening in space around the ship is one of the most critical functions performed by the tactical team. Unlike in science fiction other vessels don’t just automatically appear on “long range sensors”. They can only be detected and tracked by the radiation they emit, ideally before they have a chance to detect your own ship.

mattm's picture

First Look: Live Tactical Exercise

Here's a first look at a live tactical exercise, giving a preview of what it will be like on Endeavour's bridge. The exercise assessment provides a series of snapshots of key moments during a Tactical Operating Environment exercise held in an 'active' simulator, including the data the trainees saw and what they were thinking when they made their decisions. 

mattm's picture

EMDAR Walkthrough

A simulated exercise assessment has been posted which provides a first look at how EMDAR works in practise.

An exercise assessment documents how the participants progressed through a simulated mission, including snapshots of the relevant consoles they were using. In the near future, these assessments will also include video.

EM Profiles

The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is divided into frequency ranges (or bands) based on the predominant manifestation of each range, with each band typically indicating a different source. Infrared radiation, for example, is a key output of impulse

EMDAR Narrowband Sim

This is a stub for the EMDAR narrowband simulation module

EMDAR Contact Management

The EMDAR Contact Board module allows management of EMDAR contacts. A contact is an untracked EM emissions pattern thought to indicate a Tactically Significant Maneuvering Object (TSMO).

NeerajA's picture

EMDAR Overview

The team has jost posted an overview of EMDAR (Electro-Magnetic Direction and Ranging) which is how the ship will see what is around it in space.


This provides a bit more detail on the detection section of the Combat Overview article, whch suggested deep-space combat would likely favour the side that could detect their opponent first while avoiding detection themselves.

EMDAR Detections Module

Electro-Magnetic Direction and Ranging (EMDAR) is a passive sensor technology that detects emissions along the EM spectrum to identify and track other vessels.

Broadband EMDAR

Electromagnetic Direction and Ranging (EMDAR) is a passive sensor technology that detects emissions along the EM spectrum to identify and track other vessels.


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