
Reactor Simulation Overview

The reactor simulator manages the production of the vast majority of the vessel's energy using nuclear fusion.

Reactor Plasma Simulator

The reactor plasma system manages the ‘triple product’ necessary to maintain a self-sustaining fusion reaction: plasma density, temperature and energy confinement time.

generating PDN schematics

PDN schematics appear frequently on vessel consoles, to assist with the management and monitoring of power distribution to the systems controlled by the console. Where a PDN schematic is required on a console, a schematic module is added in the required space using the Console Designer. The schematic may then be drawn in that space (or a pre-drawn schematic added).

PDN Conduits

Power is distributed across the vessel's Power Distribution Network (PDN) between power sources and vessel systems by conduits.

PDN schematics overview

Power Distribution Network (PDN) schematics are included on consoles to provide an overview of available power sources and to allow for the configuration of those sources. Power sources and vessel systems connected to them are all represented on the PDN as*nodes. Nodes are connected by conduits which provide an overview of available distribution pathways for power.

PDN Nodes

Power distribution nodes are used to route and convert power across the vessel's Power Distribution System (PDN).

Vessel Development Group

The Vessel Development Group is intended as a forum for discovering, sharing and debating technology and ideas which may be useful to vessel development.

console set: RCPGC

This is a stub for the reactor control console set RC-PGC which controls the reactor's poloidal containment generators.

console set: RCMHD

This is a stub for the reactor monitor console set RC-MHD which monitors reaction plasma magnetohydrodynamic characteristics.

concole set: RCTGC

This is a stub for the recator control console set RC-TGC which controls the reactor's toridal containment generators.


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